REACT “R”: Resident Satisfaction Surveys
REACT R has been specifically designed to provide valuable feedback and performance improvement solutions to multifamily owners, operators and service providers. The REACT R process will transform your organization’s Resident services from a policy to a behavior…resulting in higher levels of Resident satisfaction and retention.
- Measures Resident satisfaction with the property and services being provided
- Quantifies the likelihood of lease renewal and referrals
- Compares the results to three stakeholder groups: the Resident; the On-Site Management Team; and the Building Owner or Asset Manager
- Provides a summary Dashboard (“Score Watch”) of results
- Evaluates performance over a specific time frame
- Provides comparative scores from CEL’s extensive database of survey data
- Identifies specific areas in need of attention
- Includes an Action Plan and guidance for completion
- Allows for survey customization
- Provides performance evaluation and feedback in a prompt and cost-efficient manner
- Increases financial performance and enhances asset value by improving operations
- Provides feedback immediately so you’re always aware of forces influencing your success
- Quantifies the performance of internal service providers, creates service awareness and identifies needed performance improvement priorities
- Strengthens your company’s commitment to service and performance excellence
- Improves communication with external and internal customers
- Complements new business solicitations, investor presentations, and/or financial packages
- Provides benchmarks for performance evaluations
- Provides quantifiable feedback for budgeting
- Provides the feedback necessary to prioritize capital expenditures
- Provides actionable feedback for service improvement
- Reveals potential exposure to non-renewals
- Improves communication and builds valued customer relationships
- Targets areas for improvement
- Gives insight regarding future non-renewal exposure
- Pays for itself by reducing turnover and related costs
- Involves Tenants in the process
- Achievement of National A List Award status can be used for marketing and leasing efforts
- Provides a leasing advantage over competitors
- Increases financial performance and enhances asset value by improving operations
- Generates independent performance metrics that create a competitive leasing edge
- Quantifies performance of service team members
- Prioritizes budgeting and capital expenditure decisions
- Improves trust in management’s operational activities, knowing revenue-generation is enhanced by customer feedback
- Enables successful asset branding
CEL has a variety of reporting options, and we tailor your REACT Plan and reporting package to meet each individual client’s needs. We have discovered that for performance improvement to occur, REACT clients must be presented with a reporting level that matches their internal abilities to manage data, thus focusing on change. For validity and reliability, REACT includes a proprietary reporting and analysis process.
Standard Reporting and Analysis
Consolidated and individual property reports
Select Data Reports
Ad hoc reporting based on any parameters, available as needed
Executive Summaries
Prepared by CEL Senior Associates who have years of industry experience and knowledge of how to drive improved performance
Summary Report (Formatted for smartphones)
Single-page summary, perfect for Senior Executives and presentations
Score Watch
Includes up to 5 years of trending data of all essential scores
Service Gap Analysis
Identifies “lost potential” and recommends how to regain the loss
Portfolio Overview
In-depth analysis of your portfolio, including properties on “Alert Status,” significant changes, property score comparison and award status
Measurement of Three Satisfaction Indices
Critical measurement of satisfaction, including Overall, Property and Service
Measurement of Nine Critical Business Success Factors
Drill down and further define those areas that impact drivers of satisfaction and impact renewals and referrals